Pacific Health Fund

St Vincent’s Pacific Health Fund was established by Dr Andrew Dent in 2008 to improve health services and medical education resources in the Pacific Region.

The Fund undertakes a wide range of activities and projects - from providing essential equipment to hospitals, to facilitating clinical exchange programs for health workers and assisting in capacity building through financial grants and scholarships.

Read more here or by following the links below.

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Annual Reports


Here's a summary of what we have supported in the last year.


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The Andrew Dent Scholarship is offered each year to health sector students who need support to undertake volunteer work, electives or study trips that aid people in the Pacific Region.



The St Vincent’s Pacific Health Fund provides financial support for a wide variety of projects and activities to improve health care and medical education resources in the Pacific Region.

Supported Grants


Read more about the grants awarded to individuals, groups, and organisations



You can support the ongoing work of the St Vincent's Pacific Health by making a donation.



If you would like more information or have any questions about the Pacific Health Fund, you can contact the Committee here